Mary Schrock

Mary Schrock

Literary Arts - Murals - Painting - Portrait - Visual Arts - Visual Arts Instructor - Visionary Art

   1506 S Talbott Street

Mary Beth is an Indianapolis loving Visionary Artist, and Live Painter. As a Visionary Artist, Mary Beth’s creative process is her spiritual practice– oftentimes her paintings are her prayers. In her day to day life she intentionally works to cultivate the right spiritual food to fuel her paintings. Her work typically features mystical themes, as well as symbolism which generally emerges from her time spent in meditation, books that she’s reading, and experiences observed throughout collective humanity. Mary Beth’s hope for her work is to illuminate a wider version of awareness so that others might see their divine potential, along with what else is available beyond the veil. When Mary Beth is not in her studio painting, she can be found painting murals, or at various music festivals creating works by the stage. Additionally, Mary Beth offers meditative workshops where participants get the opportunity to look deeply within themselves and create a meaningful self-portrait in her “painting with light” style.