Jonathan Angulo

Jonathan Angulo

 (317) 701-8364

   430 N Randolph St., Indianapolis, IN

Jonathan Angulo was born in Izucar De Matamoros, Puebla, Mexico on December 17, 1988. Immigrated to the United States, from Los Ángeles, New York to now based out of Indianapolis Indiana. Has always had an interest in the arts since a child, being exposed to graffiti and other forms of art. Graduated from Herron School of Art and Design. Working with a mix of mediums mainly oil and spray paint. Jonathan has been influenced greatly by his Mexican heritage as well as from other cultures. Graffiti plays a big role in his work as well. He has shown work at the Big Car Service Center show Called Herencia, as a part of group shows and worked on murals in Indianapolis. 

Jonathan’s focus has been the idea of death through Dia de Los Muertos. Death not not being something that is sad but something that is celebrated and just another phase of life. Experiences, meeting people and cultures along with own cultural background influences provide him with a rich set of references and imagery that he uses to create his work. Experiences of meeting people and learning about different cultures have provided him with new perspectives and insights that he can incorporate into his work.