Samantha Waddell

Samantha Waddell


 (317) 446-4562

   254 Bastion Pl. Apt. D, Avon, IN, 46123

As children we dream up what scares us most, creatures and monsters with contorted, morbid, outlandish, dark, and disturbing features. Youthful creative minds piece together complicated imagery to express their fears.

When we age our fears morph from monsters and ghosts to deadlines and pressure.

Revisiting childhood nightmares, there’s comfort in the creepy.

A sense of dread amongst the dreamy.

Uncovering the dark forgotten corners and shedding light onto the strange, the result is odd, mystical, eerie and chaotic. As time progresses, the pieces reveal themselves to seem familiar, and recall a time in all of our lives when things were simple and the only monsters we feared were the ones under our beds.