Deborah Kolp

Deborah Kolp

Mixed Media - Painting - Visual Arts - Visual Arts Instructor - Art retreat leader


   34 W. 49th street, Indianapolis, IN, 46208

I’m a visual teaching artist specializing in art retreats.  My present series of paintings in process is about reconciliation.  Eight large panels present a canopy in each color of the light spectrum  with different groups of children underneath.  The last one will culminate in white signifying the union of all into one- that union itself being a refuge for all peoples.  I’m also developing and offering art retreats based on the Liturgy of the Hours – used a a conceptual template for expressive art, color theory and values. Contemplation of the seasons of life combined with times of the day from Vigils to vespers provide content for imaginative, guided projects.  Other areas are portraits and commissions and fresh work for home staging.