Athanasius Blue

Athanasius Blue


   POBox 126, North Salem, IN, 46165

Athanasius Blue is a cloud that forms from the exhaled conversations of two lovers on a chilled night beneathe September stars.  Movie star good looks Devon Rogers and his poet princess Julianna Gold joined hands on her home’s porch in 2012’s early summer heat. Rogers needed a singer and Gold had a voice, but instrumentally she was crippled beyond her own esophagus. The two united and began a love story reminiscent of everyone’s favorite grandparents. Sweet words and even sweeter actions now work behind the scenes to produce music that belays childhood wisdom and reverie to adult circumstance.

Equipped with a fervid itch to create, Athanasius Blue submits poised vocals and enchanting guitar work to their latest effort, the album “Elaine Caudate,” in which Caudate, a teenaged Mother Nature, saddened from her unrequited love for a king, turns to prescription pills as refuge. Her habit becomes addiction as she arranges for the local sheriff to feed her the numbing medicine continuously through the town’s water supply. The sheriff’s requested poisoning of the big water tower leads to interesting changes for both animals and people alike.