Jenna Brock

Jenna Brock


   10830 Tooley Ct. Apt 1D, Indiananpolis, IN, 46234

The search for beauty is why I create. The simple act of production gives me a sense of fulfillment. I currently am trying to locate my voice as an artist by slowly working on a full and complete body of new works.

When I create a print I usually have a message I want to convey.  Next I brainstorm various images on how to portray that message through visual imagery.  My media of choice is woodblock reduction prints.  This particular media creates the most wonderful marks, which are created by imperfections in the wood. I consider it a surprise because I am never quite sure how it will look until I am done. I believe that if a work is going well then the piece will come together easily.

My current work Out of Reach expresses my thoughts about my spiritual walk and myself as I continually strive for a complete and full life.  It expresses my struggles with my faults and my character. In Daughter of Herodias I am exploring strong horizontals and the use of color to show emphasis. This image reflects the power sexual persuasion and pride. The decapitated head is that of John the Baptist who was beheaded after the daughter of Herodias danced for Herod and demanded that John be killed. Since Herod had promised this beautiful anything she wanted he had no choice but to grant her wishes. After these pieces I am ready to take my work to the next level and explore other themes.