Ric Epley

Ric Epley


Website: http://www.RicEpleyArt.com


   Stutz Business Center, IN

Ric Epley’s journey into the world of art was anything but conventional. He didn’t embark on a deliberate path to become an artist; rather, art serendipitously discovered him. Devoid of any formal training in the arts, it was the persistent encouragement of his friends and family that propelled him to share his creative work with the world. Much to his delight, he quickly garnered a dedicated following of art enthusiasts who became his loyal patrons.

Epley’s artistic repertoire showcases his versatility through the exploration of three distinctive styles. The first is his geometric approach, characterized by precise shapes and lines. Then, there’s his multimedia geometric style, which incorporates texture to add depth and dimension to his creations. Finally, Epley ventures into the realm of free-flowing expression, where he paints without the constraints of convention, allowing his inner muse to guide his brush.

What sets Epley apart is his profound passion for the artistic process itself. He doesn’t paint out of obligation or for recognition; rather, he immerses himself in this expressive medium because he genuinely loves it. His art is a testament to the boundless creativity that can emerge when one follows their heart and allows art to become an unexpected, yet deeply fulfilling, part of their life journey.