Elizabeth Kenney

Elizabeth Kenney


Website: http://www.elizabethkenney.com


   7850 Marquis Lane, IN


In a way writing an artist statement is counterintuitive as art is a way to express the inexpressible or the struggles we face, but have trouble articulating..   However, language can provide some explanation to help us understand art.

I find inspiration for my work in the world around me particularly in nature, music, film, dreams, and mysticism.  Stories often reveals the abstract layers of meaning of the dilemmas we encounter played out in the natural world.  In reflecting on stories and observing nature, I see the whole range of human experience manifesting itself.

Incompleteness is a human condition. Finding meaning in nature, art, and our lives helps to alleviate this inherent human condition.

In my pastels, I strive to convey a sense of wonder and mystery, and aim to inspire the viewer with a sense of aesthetics and a purposeful narrative.