Elizabeth Krajeck

Elizabeth Krajeck


   4911 N Kenwood, Indiananpolis, IN, 46208

Elizabeth Krajeck is the author of two chapbooks. Her work inspired by Maria Magdalene Campos-Pons includes “Restoration Poetry,” prose poems based on residents in the Blue Triangle Residence Hall, performed at the United States of Mind, and “Half of What We Are Is Broken,” an installation with Angela Edwards and Steve Hubert at IUPUI’s Cultural Arts Center, and 2013 & 2014 Poetry in Free Motion with the Quilt Connection Guild with J L Kato and Mary Hawn.  Collaborations also include urban retail postcard poems with the Lucas Gallery and projects with the former Ruschman Gallery. Krajeck, a community-based consultant and poet for Butler’s Center for Citizenship and Community, opened Permanent Press, Writers and Editors, a small bungalow-centered urban business for writers.