Emily Litsey

Emily Litsey


Website: https://emilylitsey.weebly.com/

Blog URL: https://emilylitsey.weebly.com/

   1318 Fletcher Avenue, IN

Seemingly disparate words, imagery and concepts often have more in common than meets the eye, and I attempt to bring these varied elements together to reflect my experiences. My goal is to collect scattered fragments of thoughts that can never quite form themselves into a finished picture or a completed sentence and transform them into compositions that depict the tension of something that is unresolved and just out of reach.
Central to my work are the pursuit of identity and the complexities of human relationships, both of which are disorganized and without finality. Many people find this lack of resolution unsettling, myself included. However, the uncertainty pushes me to explore new ways in which to take random elements and provide them with a sense of structure. I find a strange comfort in unfinished business because it leaves the door open for optimism, and I hope to convey this concept through my pieces.