Michael Miller

Michael Miller


Website: http://michaelgmillerfineart.net


   15 Starlight Drive, Anderson, IN

My main training has been the “one on one” mentoring of Mr. Gene Mako, whose father, Barthalomew Mako was a 19th century style, Hungarian artist. Barthalomew Mako’s work can be found in private collections and in Hungarian musems. I am captivated by the style and elegance of the 19th century artists of America and Europe and actively pursue that style in my work. Painting golf course landscapes has been the major portion of my body of work and have done paintings of some of the most respectected golf course architecture to be found in America and parts of Europe. My web site contains examples from Auusta National. Cypress Point, Pine Valley, Riviera and Pebble Beach to name more than a few. Many of these paintings are from a historical point of view, using balck and white photos of the period,  which gives me great “artistic license” in protraying varibles like color, time of year, weather and time of day. I also do still life, landscapes and relgious figure paintings.

I have co-authored two books with golf historian, Geoff Shackelford:

“The Art of Golf Design”-  Sleeping Bear Press

“The Golden Age of Golf Design-“- Sleepimng Bear Press