Bradley Burnell

Bradley Burnell



   5147 Atherton South Dr, Indianapolis, IN, 46219

What is Quixotic Artistry?  It is first and foremost, my brand.  It’s whimsy, it’s being able to look failure directly in the eye, and say “f*&# off”, and turn it into success. It’s my past heartbreak, and my feelings of insecurity. Ironically, it is my suit of armour, and my confidence. It is Assemblage, fashion design, makeup artistry, and graphics.  It is choreography, it is design. It’s perfect balance. It is the rebirth of my failed attempts at becoming a fashion designer, yet is the new life of a new approach.  It is the phoenix, that is rising from the ashes of what I thought to be the end of a journey.  Alas, my journey is not over.  What is Quixotic | Artistry ?  It is whatever that I want it to be, and will be everything that I quixotically dream it to be.