Julia Reich

Julia Reich

Graphic Arts - Graphic Arts - Illustration - Media and Visual Communications - Visual Arts - Visual Arts Instructor - Graphic recording, graphic facilitation


Website: https://www.stonesoupcreative.com/

Blog URL: https://www.stonesoupcreative.com/blog/


   6321 Tanglewood Rd, IN

Julia Reich is the CEO (Chief Easel Officer) of creative consultancy Stone Soup Creative. She is a graphic recorder, brand strategy consultant and visual strategist who makes conversations visible by listening to people talk during meetings, workshops and other events, and capturing what they say live in real time, using pictures, words and color. The drawings that emerge help individuals and groups think, process, collaborate, and communicate better.

“Every time we grab an ephemeral conversation or a spoken idea and capture it on paper, it becomes more powerful. Transforming the spoken word into something concrete and physical shifts the energy and quality of conversation in the room. Individuals feel heard when they see their contributions made tangible. Once listened to, a participant is more open and focused on others… Groups feel more productive and engaged when they can see and touch their work, especially when they see that work accumulating and surrounding them in their workspace,” – Brandy Agerbeck, author of The Graphic Facilitator’s Guide.