Westfield Playhouse Student Scholarship

Westfield Playhouse Student Scholarship

 Westfield, IN, Unknown

Westfield Playhouse Student Scholarship

Main Street Productions, Inc.

Each year, in accordance with their mission to create interest and participation in community theatre, Main Street Productions, Inc. provides a scholarship to a deserving applicant interested in the performing arts. Funds for the scholarship are derived from concession sales during performances, donations, and fundraising. The scholarship will be given to an individual one time only and must be used within two years of receipt. The scholarship will be directly distributed to the teacher, forum, etc. providing the performing arts experience to the applicant, not to the applicant themselves. Upon receipt of the scholarship, the applicant shall contact the scholarship committee notifying them to whom the funds should be directed. Applications will be accepted January 1st through March 31st of the award year. The committee will determine the recipient no later than May 31st of that year.​

1. Eligibility: anyone 18 years old or younger, who has participated in a production of Main Street Productions, Inc.

2. Scholarship is to be used exclusively for classes, private lessons, or workshops in the performing arts.

3. Scholarship may be any amount up to $500.00 per applicant.

4. The applicant must submit the following to:

Main Street Productions, Inc.
PO Box 702
Westfield, IN 46074

  • A resume of activities in the performing arts which may include classes, workshops, private lessons, onstage and offstage experience. Please include location, date, and contact information.
  • Application Form
  • Agreement Waiver
  • Letter of Recommendation from Teacher, Mentor, or Directo
  • Letter of Recommendation from Main Street Production Membe
  • An essay detailing what the performing arts means to the applicant. The essay should also include how the applicant intends to utilize the scholarship funds.

Find the application materials here: https://www.westfieldplayhouse.org/scholarships

There is no guarantee that an application will result in an award of a scholarship. The winner of the Scholarship will be announced at The Annual Westies. The recipient will be invited to attend The Westies, and strongly encouraged to attend, to officially receive the scholarship. The recipient will be required to read their application essay (Recipient may apply for an exception subject to committee approval. Apply via email).The parents/guardians of all applicants will receive notification of the results, receipt of the scholarship or not.