Graphic Artwork/Photography Sought for Vinyl Fence Project

Graphic Artwork/Photography Sought for Vinyl Fence Project

 Evansville, IN, Unknown

Designs for Vinyl Wrap on Fence Surrounding Park at Fourth and Main Streets

Proposals Due February 28, 2019

Economic Improvement District (EID) is seeking several artists to submit graphic artwork or photography for designs to be printed on vinyl wrapping that will be attached to the fence surrounding the park at Fourth and Main Streets in Evansville. The height of the fence wrap will be 6 feet, and the width of each design will be 3 feet to 8 feet per the respondent’s design. By submitting a proposal, artists agree that their photography or design will belong to the EID for a period of up to 2 years.

Please see the document on their website for more information on how to submit a proposal. Email with any questions.