Art of Words

Art of Words


 1417 Prospect St, Indianapolis, IN, 46203

Art of Words was the first mural painted by artists Jeff Thomas and Bernie Price under the business One Wall at a Time. Their goal is to beautify Indianapolis, one wall and one mural at a time. This mural has a white frame, a black background, and the outline of two faces looking at one another.


Jeff Thomas grew up in Indiana but resided in California for 15 years. After moving to Greenwood, Indiana in 2000, he started sculpting and had a temporary sculpture in White River State Park. In 2013, he started working with canvas, mixed media, and photography.


Bernie Price has been the Girls Athletic Director for the Catholic Youth Organization for over 45 years and is an active volunteer in her neighborhood, Bean Creek.

Medium type: Paint

Date created: 2017

Dimensions: 13' x 7'

Location Info

1417 Prospect St

1417 Prospect St, Indianapolis, IN, 46203